Becoming and being a parent is an incredible gift from God. At Skyline we want you to know God's truth and pass that on to your children. The baby dedication process is a time for you as a parent/parents to determine the values and truths that you want to teach your child/children. Through this process you will be taught part of what it means to follow Jesus as a parent and asked to take steps to grow in your relationship with Christ. This is a time where you clarify your role as a parent and realize what it takes to lead your child to know who God is and who he can be in their life. This is not a step to take lightly nor is it just a ceremony. It is a life changing step that can help you become the parent that you want to be. You are taking this moment to say to the world that you are willing to do whatever the Bible says to raise your child God's way and not your way or the world's way.
How can you take this amazing step?
As you can see this is not simply a "service" or a religious ceremony but a moment in time that you are declaring to the world that you are following God with how you are raising your children. Therefore, this step cannot be taken by everyone. This step requires that you are growing in Christ, because if you are not growing you can't lead your child/children to grow. There are four (4) different ways that you can be getting support and taking steps of growth at Skyline.
1. You attended a Life Group or arena the past semester and you have committed to and are attending a life group this semester.
2. You are a member of Skyline Church.
3. You are a committed member of a ministry team.
4. You are actively taking Growth Catalyst.
If you are doing any one of the items listed above, then you are ready to take the step of Baby Dedication.