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Skyline Welcome Lunch

Desiree Nicholson


I have been to many a Welcome Lunch in my time here at Skyline. One of the things that never gets old for me is the idea of seeing people take the step from just "visiting" church on a Sunday to actually exploring who we are, our "inner workings," and see for themselves that our vision here at Skyline is NOT to just talk a lot of talk but REALLY walk the walk, TOGETHER.

This past Welcome Lunch, we had our highest attendance in a while, over 50 people (new and old)! To the outside eye, coming into the church house that Sunday afternoon, it may have appeared chaotic and overwhelming, but every hand that was setting up a table, a food tray, a chair, a centerpiece, did it so that new person felt at home and taken care of. Getting to sit amongst all of the different tables and hear individual Skyline family members really pursue those newbies with genuine questions about who they were and where they had come from whilst also sharing their own personal journeys made me feel so proud to call Skyline MY church. The thing is, this lunch we have isn't just another excuse to have a meal together (though we ARE really good at feeding people). The new people who are coming to church every week are searching. One woman I got a chance to speak to said that finding a church to call home was either equal to or probably harder than buying a house! These folks take this search for a place to be a part of a community of believers ever so seriously. And we are given the most amazing opportunity to share with them our vision and dream that is Biblically founded on creating a place where people get to meet and experience Jesus in every facet of their lives. If you've never been to one, our Welcome Lunch is open to anyone who wants to attend. Experience it for yourself!




(973) 429-8833

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498 Watchung Ave.

Bloomfield, NJ 07003


On Campus & Online

Sunday 9:30am & 11:00am



Monday - Thursday:

9:00am - 3:00pm

Friday: CLOSED

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