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Chris High

Are You Celebrating Love?


I always loved Valentine's Day until about 2:30pm. I enjoyed writing valentines to my classmates and friends. The decorating, candies, and finding just the right words for each friend. Although to be honest by the 5th one, they began to sound the same. All but one! That special one which had a note inside that said, "I like you, will you be my special valentine?" This is the one I was most excited about because it was for the girl that I liked at the time. Then I waited in grand expectation for the moment when she would send me a special valentine declaring her amazing like for me. We did not say I love you in the 3rd grade. But the Valentine never came, so by the time 2:30 came, I was pretty disappointed. But there was always next year.

This Valentines Day I want you to know that Jesus sends you a Valentine that says, "I like you!" Jesus always has and still does this fantastic thing. He meets you where you are. You may be on a high right now or in a funk. You may be doing well in life or failing pretty badly, we all have hidden sins, hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Things that Jesus can never accept because he is holy and yet he comes to you as you are. Sometimes people say he accepts you as you are. But you want to be careful with that because He does not accept you. He can’t and be holy and right at the same time.

But, he does come to you, just like he came to all the hurting, liars, lazy, thieves, adulterers when he was here on earth. He comes to you and says, "Will you follow me? Will you trust me to be your valentine?" Then he does something no one else can do. He forgives you and gives you a new heart. One that wants what he wants and lives to love. Skyline wants to be your Valentine as well. We also have hurts, hang-ups, andhabits, but we are on a journey saying, "Yes Jesus, we want to follow you." Don’t live your life alone. Accept Jesus' offer to be your Valentine and join us as we follow Jesus together.

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